Frequently Asked Questions

What is Life Mastery and how can it help me?

The life mastery guide is a comprehensive manual covering all aspects of your life. It is five separate books spanning over 900 pages of text and video and instruction and life lessons. This includes powerful multimedia lessons on Wealth, Finance, Diet and Fitness, Dating and Relationships and most importantly  your Spirituality and your relationship with God.

Why buy Life mastery?

The life Mastery concept is about understanding who you are and how you can get the most out of your talents and potential and skills. Life Mastery teaches that you must be a well-rounded individual in all of the specific areas in your life that make up Who You Are. If you're going to be a person who is truly successful then you need to understand your relationships. You need to understand your diet and fitness and health and weight loss. You need to understand how to get the best out of your financial situation and make the most out of the income that you have and can save and ultimately grow. Wealth-building is something that you will enhance and create on top of a good Financial background. You cannot have one without the other. Finally we focus upon your spiritual side and helping you attain true Enlightenment and have a closer relationship with your religion and your God. All of these specific things are why the life Mastery course is essential for you as a person who wants to improve their lives and have a better living experience going forward.

What is the life Mastery product and what do I get when I order it?

Life Mastery is a series of five guides that specifically help you with all areas of your life. You may not need everything that is offered in this very detailed and well-crafted set of books but at the end of the day we all have areas of our life that we can improve in. What you will get specifically are the following tutorials and Illustrated guides:

  > Diet & Fitness Guide

  > Financial intelligence guide

  > Building REAL Wealth

  > Dating and relationships

  > Personal and spiritual health

How will the life Mastery series of guides help me and improve my life and current situation?

It doesn't matter where you are in your life right now you can benefit from the life Mastery series of guides. You may already have some of these things together in your life but it is a near certainty that you don't have it all together. Most people will go through their entire lives never realizing just how spiritually devoid they are and how uninformed they are about relationships or about how to manage their finances or attain real well. Are you getting the most out of your personal relationships? So many of these things you will learn by turning to the life Mastery series of guides.

Can I get a detailed description of exactly what I am purchasing with this product?

What you will get specifically are the following tutorials and Illustrated guides:

  > Diet & Fitness Guide

>> Most of us ignore the most important component of Our Lives. We try to make money and we try to build relationships and we try to build families but if you don't focus upon our help we have no. Your life will be shorter and your experiences will be less Dynamic and Powerful if you do not get your diet and fitness and health together now. This guide will show you exactly how and step-by-step format.

  > Financial intelligence guide

>> So many people make decent money or even great money but they don't know how to spend it, they don't know how to manage it, and they don't know how to save it. It is so important to your financial health and well-being to know how money works and how you can work the system to your best advantage. Stop wasting your time and money bye not understanding the very basics of financial Dynamics. This guide was created for people who may not have it together at all. In reality though almost anyone can benefit from these techniques and it will allow you to save thousands of dollars on goods and services as well as help you manage your money more effectively.

  > Building REAL Wealth

>> There are literally thousands of books on the subject of how to obtain wealth. None of them address the real problem and bottleneck in the equation. If you want to succeed in business and you want to attain real wealth you are going to have to become more knowledgeable about the way business works. We can provide you with real knowledge, Real Techniques, and real World Experience on how to get started and how to maintain your business in today's very complicated digital Marketplace.

  > Dating and relationships

>> This 300-plus-page book will give you all of the inside and techniques to be much better at the dating world in the present day. So many times what people know and what people will tell you is just simply incorrect. If you want to be fumbling around in the dark in the dating world so to speak, never really knowing why you're not succeeding then listen to other people and don't buy this book. If you want a real perspective as to how to turbocharge you're dating efforts and become better at your own personal relationships with your family and friends and other people then you owe it to yourself to get this book

  > Personal God - A guide to improving spiritual health

>> This is something that most of us simply put to the back of our minds and ignore. We live in a day-to-day World existing trying to get money and build our families and relationships and other things of that nature but then we ignore the most important factor in our lives. This factor is our spiritual growth, our emotional and psychological maturity, and our relationship with our deity or God. Do you have a personal relationship with God? Even if you're not religious do you have a spiritually healthy existence? Regardless of whatever your religion is, this guide will help you determine if you are emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually strong. The guide is called personal God and it gives you Insight on how to have a personal relationship with your God, your deity or your spiritual beliefs.

What types of results would I expect to see based upon the reading materials and education provided in your guide? How quickly would you expect results?

Results are going to be entirely based upon your ability to grasp the materials, understand what is being conveyed to you and your ability to implement what you have learned. There can be no guarantee based upon this because everything is in your hands. It's time to change your life and it's time to be a more Dynamic and incredible person. It's up to you to achieve this and the guides alone will allow you to have a path to that result.

Can I buy any of your guides individually? Or must I pay for the whole Suite of products?

Any of our guides can be bought individually either on this website or on the individual websites of the guides themselves. All of them were written by the same author and all are individually available at the same price of only $19.95.

How much does this product cost? How does it compare to other products of its type?

The entire life Mastery series of guides is available for only $69.95. There is literally no other product like it on the market today. Most companies sell guides or information products for just one type of issue. We cover the gamut of everything that you will be needing in a reasonable time frame in your life. All of these guides are available for just under $70 and when you compare it to other products of its type you would literally pay hundreds if not thousands for the same type of information. An incredible value!

Who are your competitors and is there any other product out there like what you offer?

We can say with all honesty and sincerity that there is no other product on the market like the one that we offer today. You can be rest assured that nothing like this is available for the low price that we offer.

Is personalized service available with my order? If I have any questions, who can I contact?

Personalized service or Consulting is usually not available but can be offered if the need arises. If you have specific issues or have a customer request we can of course potentially accommodate you. Please inquire as to whether we will be able to help you in this regard.

Do you offer a money back guarantee? If I'm not satisfied with your product can I get a refund?

When it comes to digital products it is very difficult to offer a money back guarantee because the purchaser or buyer can simply order the product copy it and then request a refund. For this reason we do not offer any refunds or guarantees on our product especially considering its low price.

Can I resell the life Mastery series of guides? Do you have a reseller program of any kind?

Currently we do not offer a reseller program. Reseller programs can be very difficult to manage especially when it comes to commissions and payouts to sellers. For this reason we choose to sell the product ourselves but may consider opening it up to the resellers at a later point in the future.

we build your Goals into reality

Have you ever felt as if your life was in complete? Have you ever felt as if there were just so many things lacking in your life that it was pointless to even try to do anything about it? Your relationships suck. your diet and fitness is non-existent. Maybe you're fat around the mid-section and you have tried to lose weight but it's been like that your whole life. You don't have a very good spiritual relationship with God and you haven't been to church in years. No matter what your religion is you suck at it. Maybe your finances are in the toilet and you look in your bank account right now and it's a negative balance or maybe just a few dollars. You've got no savings no hope and no way of getting any. You look at wealth-building courses online and on TV and you wish you could be that person that has the balls to get out there and make it happen but you don't. If even one or two of these things described you then perhaps you need to understand and create your own life mastery.

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What We Do
Life Coaching

Everyone needs help understanding who they are and what their purpose in this world is. We have created a very easy to understand guide to achieve this goal.

Fundamental Changes

If you want to achieve lasting results and true powerful changes in your lifetime then this guide and this course can help you bring to reality everything you desire.

New Purpose

If you are not working on your "purpose" then you are wasting your life and your destiny. Stop wasting time and start seeing results!

Hours Of Work
Satisfied Customers
Life Changing Guides

These guides fundamentally changed the way I think about life and about  how I conduct my affairs. I have lived a good long time but never have I imagined I was doing it wrong all along.

William Gomez Sales Manager

From these guides I learned that life can be mastered if we apply simple principles and work towards our goals. These guides presented things to me in a way I never imagined before.

Jonathan Roca Field Sales Associate

These guides literally saved my life. I was kinda moving through life lost without a purpose and these "Simple Steps" got me back on track and back to life!!! 

Desi Dearbourne Retail Sales Coordinator